Do not hesitate to give us a call. We are a team of expert and we shall be happy to talk.
Mankim/Aritar/ Pedong/Ramdhura (Aritar/Lampokhari Lake and enjoy paddle boating in the placid waters of the lake and do a Parikrama of this Holy lake. Alternately, you can also walk down to the Chandaney Falls and enjoy the beauty of the falls. Evening is at leisure. Overnight at Aritar.N/s)
Zuluk The unique Zig Zag nature of the road has fetched the name “Bhulbhulaiya” from local people. The road has spiralled the mountain 95 times and it looks simply amazing from an altitude of 12,000 feet. The Zig Zag Road is the biggest USP of the ancient Silk Route since you will not find anything like this anywhere else in the world. Overnight at home stay.
Nathang ( reach Nathang. Sightseeing at Old Baba Mandir, Kupup Lake, New Baba Mandir, Menmecho Lake (you have to trek to reach Menmecho), Tukla Valley, Jelepla Pass, Yak Golf Course, Ice Hockey Field. Overnight stay at Nathang Valley.
Phadamcchen; Dense temperate forests surrounding the Padamcchen village is home to a huge bird population like Laughing thrushes, Fulvettas, Honey Buzzards, Steppe Eagles, Babblers, Tits, Wrens and others. The deeper regions of the forest have occasional visitors like Himalayan Black Bear and Leopards. While staying at Padamachen, you can go to watch the sunrise over Mt. Kanchenjungha range from Thambi View Point (around 24 kms away) at 11,200 feet. The beautiful Kuikhola falls is just a few minutes drive from Padamchen. Overnight stay at Padamchan
Rongli, you do not have anything great to see here, there is a trade centre and Rongli market which is one of the main hub of attractions. Besides, you can just take an easy stroll across the lush green hilly walkways to enjoy the eternity of natural beauty. Over Night Stay at Resort.
After breakfast you will be dropped to NJP/ Baghdogra /. Siliguri to go back to your home with sweet memory of your silkroute journey.